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Yaradılması: 15/11/2010 09:14
Güncelle: 17/11/2010 05:02
Məqalələr 9
Şəkillər 9
Həftənin baxılıb 1918
Cemi baxılıb 812

She looked up from her ironing.
do you think you should go to work?
He was correcting a batch of American Lit themes.
Same old stuff. It's all over the country,
They took me right up on it.
They were in the bedroom

alnmhk :: alnmhk

alnmhk başqa heç bir blog var!

France - alnmhk
Mövqe: 943/56779 İstifadəçilər

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: He was correcting a batch of American Lit themes. - 16/11/2010 04:28

He was correcting a batch of American Lit themes.

But he had never told anyone about that, not even in analysiomega watchess. His thoughts turned to David Garcia, and the dreamy terror

that had washed over him when they had looked at each other in the hall. Of course, he had only looked vaguely familiar in

the picture. Pictures don't move or twitch.

Garcia had been standing with Lawson and Chip Osway, and when he looked up and saw Jim Norman, he smiled and

his eyelid began to jitter un  ghd planchasp and down and voices spoke in Jim's mind with unearthly clarity:

Come on, kid, how much you got? F-four cents.

You fuckin' liar - look, Vinnie, he wet himself'

'Jim? Did you say something?'

'No.' But he wasn't sure if he had or not. He was getting very scared.

One day after school in early February there was a knock on the teachers'-room door, and when Jim opened it, Chip Osway stood

there. He looked frightened. Jim was alone; it was ten af ghd straightenerer four and the last of the teachers had gone home an hour before.

He was correcting a batch of American Lit themes.

'Chip?' he said evenly.

Chip shuffled his feet. 'Ca Rolex watchI talk to you for a minute, Mr Norman?'

'Sure. But if it's about that test, you're wasting your -'

'It's not about that. Uh, can I smoke in here?'

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: They took me right up on it. - 16/11/2010 04:28

They took me right up on it.

'Go christian louboutin shoes ahead.'

He lit his cigarette with a hand that trembled slightly. He didn't speak for perhaps as long as a minute. It seemed that he

couldn't. His lips twitched, his hands came together, andghd straightener his eyes slitted, as if some inner self was struggling to find


He suddenly burst out: 'If they do it, I want you to know I wasn't in on it! I don't like those guys! They're creeps!'

'What guys, Chip?'

'Lawson andghd straightener that Garcia creep.'

'Are they planning to get me?' The old dreamy terror was on him, and he knew the answer.

'I liked them at first,' Chip said. 'We went out and had a few beers. I started bitchin' about you and that test. About how I

was gonna get you. But that was just talk! I swesports jerseys ar it!'

'What happened?'

'They took me right up on it. Asked what time you left school, what kind of car you drove, all that stuff. I said what have

you got against him and Garcia said they knew you a long time ago. . . hey, are you all right?'

'The cigarette,' he said thicmoncler jacketkly. 'Haven't ever got used to the smoke.'

Chip ground it out. 'I asked them when they knew you and Bob Lawson said I was still pissin' my didies then. But they're

seventeen, the same as me.'

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: He sat beside her on the bed - 17/11/2010 04:58

He sat beside her on the bed

how much he drank, he kepnew era hats t thinking about Virginia. He kept seeing himself entering the crypt, lifting the coffin lid.

He thought he was coming down with something, so palsied and nerveless was his shivering, so cold and ill did he feel.

Is that what she looked like?MORNING. A SUN BRIGHT hush nfl jerseysbroken only by the chorus of birds in the trees. No breeze to stir the vivid blossoms around the houses, the bushes, the dark-leaved hedges. A cloud of silent heat was suspended over everything on Cimarron Street.

Virginia Neville's sports jerseys heart had stopped.

He sat beside her on the bed, looking down at her white face. He held her fingers in his hand, his fingertips stroking and stroking. His body was immobile, one rigid, insensible block of flesh and bone. His eyes did not blink, his mouth was a static line, and the movement of his breathing  man t shirtwas so slight that it seemed to have stopped altogether.

Something had happened to his brain.

In the second he had felt no heartbeat beneath his trembling fingers, the core of his brain seemed to have petrified, sending out jagged lines of calcification until his head felt like stone. Slowly, on palsied legs, he had sunk down on the bed. And now, vaguely ghd planchas, deep in the struggling tissues of thought, he did not understand how he could sit there, did not understand why despair did not crush him to the earth. But prostration would not come. Time was caught on hooks and could not progress. Everything stood fixed. With Virginia, life and the world had shuddered to a halt.

Thirty minutes passed; forty.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: The great fire crackling, - 17/11/2010 05:01

The great fire crackling,

His hands began to shake so he couldn't make out their bridesmaid dresses With a gagging intake of breath he jerked them apart and pressed them against his legs.


He took a step and cried aloud as the room flung itself off balance. Pain exploded in his right knee, sending hot barbs up his leg. He whined as he pushed himself up and stumbled to the living room. He stood there like a statue in an earthquake, his marble eyes frozen on the bedroom door.

In his mind he  LED tube light saw a scene enacted once again.

The great fire crackling, roaring yellow, sending its dense and grease-thick clouds into the sky. Kathy's tiny body in his arms. The man coming up and snatching her away as if he were taking a bundle of rags. The man lunging into the dark mist carrying his baby. Him standing there while pile driver blows of horror drove him down with their impact.

Then suddenly he had darted forward with a berserkLED light tube scream.


The arms caught him, the men in canvas and masks drawing him back. His shoes gouged frenziedly at the earth, digging two ragged trenches in the earth as they dragged him away. His brain exploded, the terrified screams flooding from him.

Then the sudden bol LED Light bulbst of numbing pain in his jaw, the daylight swept over with clouds of night. The hot trickle of liquor down his throat, the coughing, a gasping, and then he had been sitting silent and rigid in Ben Cortman's car, staring as they drove away at the gigantic pail of smoke that rose above the earth like a black wraith of all earth's despair.